
If you’re looking for a great church we’d love for you to visit. Join us for Worship 10:30 each Sunday in the sanctuary or live streamed. When you visit Hillsboro Methodist Church you’ll find a community of changed people; People of all ages and seasons of life. We are a group of people who love God, love our neighbor, and enjoy worship. Please visit us!
We are located at 537 Rountree Street (behind Hardees) in Hillsboro, Illinois. You can reach us by calling 217-532-3734 or sending an email to hillsboromethodistchurch@gmail.com.
Are you a Christian? To become a Christian and know that you will spend eternity in Heaven, you need to receive Jesus as your Savior, fully accepting His death as the sufficient sacrifice for your sins (John 3:16), and fully trusting Him alone as your Savior (John 14:6; Acts 4:12). Becoming a Christian is all about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Pastor Michael Lawton and the people at Hillsboro Methodist Church would welcome the opportunity to help lead you to Christ and grow in the faith, as His disciples. We hope we will see you at church soon!
Bible Study for Women and Girls
Join us as we explore the facets of God's love and faithfulness presented through the pages of Scripture and illustrated in the classic Anne of Green Gables novel and film. Women and girls, ages 5-105, will enjoy a special time together. this five-week bible study starts Wednesday, March 26th, at 6:00 PM in the classroom across from the church office. Call Nelma Lawton with questions or if childcare is needed, 618-354-8050.
Bible Study based on "The Chosen"
Join us at 6:00 Wednesday evenings in the Hillsboro Methodist Church fellowship hall for Bible Study based on season two of the video series "The Chosen." The Chosen Season 2 | Trailer
We're LIVE 10:30 AM Sundays
View our Live Streamed worship service each Sunday morning at 10:30 HERE.
Click on this link to see the BULLETIN for our Mar. 23, 2025, morning worship service .
View our March 23rd service HERE
On Line Giving Is Now Open
Online donations can be given by clicking on the far right tab at the top of the page. We are using the Tithely app to provide this option. A small usage fee will be deducted from your gift for this option or you may cover the fee with your gift. Whether you choose to give online, mail in your gift to the church office, or place your gift in the offering plate during Sunday services, we thank you for your support as we promote the Gospel at the Hillsboro Methodist Church!
2024 was our 200th Anniversary!
View a historical slideshow here.
The Hillsboro Methodist Church is celebrating 200+ years of Christ centered worship! On Sunday, May 19th, 2024, we honored the rich history of the Methodist Church in Hillsboro with a special worship service, choir, catered dinner, and sharing of history of the church in Hillsboro. You can see many photos of that event here .
Although there have been changes in location, name, pastors, and parishioners, one thing has remained the same - our commitment to Christ! We feel so blessed to honor our past and joyfully embrace our future here in Hillsboro! View a historical slideshow here.
Hillsboro Methodist Church History
Roger Reeves gave a presentation of the history of the Hillsboro Methodist Church at the May 19, 2024, 200th anniversary celebration service. See video HERE.
View Video of December 15th Worship Service/Cantata
You can view the video of our Dec. 15th, 2024, worship service HERE. Our Christmas Choir "Cantata" begins approximately 27 minutes into the video.
Our Veterans Honored Nov. 10th
Your Video Invitation
"You Belong Here Video. (Video produced by Tommy Stokes)
View videos of past worship services
You can also view videos of some past worship services, special music, and special events on our Youtube channel at